leasing rules

The rules in the section below must be followed when an owner chooses to rent their unit.

Owners must complete these steps BEFORE any tenant moves into the building. Owners who fail to meet these requirements will be fined. Unpaid fines will constitute a lien against the unit.

Owners should read the entire section 15 of the Declaration to be familiar with the few and simple rules regarding renting units.

While rules for screening rental applicants are not included in the bylaws, the Board recommends carefully vetting all potential tenants including obtaining a credit report, verifying employment, and calling references.

Questions about leasing can be sent to 1015piedmontboard@1015piedmontcondos.com.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Please complete the following steps when renting your unit.

  1. Submit a copy of the signed lease to the board (1015piedmontboard@1015piedmontcondos.com) prior to any tenant moving into the building. All leases must meet the following requirements:

    a. All leases must be for a minimum term of 6 months.
    b. All leases must include 2 paragraphs stated in section 15 of the condo docs. (download below)
    c. All leases must list and be signed by all adults that will inhabit the condo. Minors may be listed as “authorized inhabitants."

  2. Also prior to any tenant moving into the building, provide the following tenant info to 1015piedmontboard@1015piedmontcondos.com. This may be submitted by the landlord or tenant. Please do not list landlord as the emergency contact.

    a. Name, phone #, email for each adult listed on lease.
    b. Other authorized inhabitants (if any).
    c. Emergency Contact (other than landlord): name, phone #, email
    d. Pets: name, type, description, weight

  3. Provide Condo Rules Summary to your tenant(s). (download below)

  4. Send payment to CMA for $200 moving fee which will be added to your account when you submit the new lease and tenant info. (Resolution adopted 07/22/2014.)

Click to Download Documents

Condo Docs - Declaration - Section 15: Leasing - This is the section of the condo docs specific to leasing units and which includes the paragraphs (highlighted in blue) that must be included on all leases.

1015 Piedmont Ave Condo Rules Summary - Provide to all tenants prior to their move-in date.